It's time for another
SALT challenge and this week it was
Tanis' turn and she chose an excellent Scripture reference from Matthew 6, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
My study Bible had this to say on verse 33, "We are to make God's sovereign rule, and a right relationship with Him, the highest priority in life." The thing that sticks in my mind is "
and a right relationship with Him" because putting God first has been weighing heavily on my mind and heart lately. Do I really put Him first?
Life can be particularly busy for Moms, who not only care for children but also care for the home and meals, may have a job or may homeschool or manage school related activities, etc. To say that most Moms have a lack of time is an understatement! I don't say this as a way of complaint, for I am very, very thankful for my children, husband, and home life, but the truth is since having children my devotional time has suffered. It's not uncommon for me to have a "just let me finish this Lord" attitude when I feel that tug of "you haven't spent time with Me today" in my heart.
Our relationship with God is much like our relationships with a spouse or children. If you ignored either, wouldn't the relationship suffer? How much more does our closeness with Christ suffer if we continue to put other things in our life before Him? He is so much more important than a few extra minutes of sleep, a clean kitchen, a vacuumed floor, or a completed craft project and yet it can be too easy to silence that nagging feeling in our conscience assuming those things will bring us satisfaction.
God has promised His children all the blessings that He has to offer (most importantly eternal life) if we would but put Him first...Spend those first few minutes in the morning in communion with Him, take time during the day to ask for strength in weak moments, seek His face for forgiveness when you've sinned, thank Him for the many blessings you receive each and every day. For in doing so we would be lifted up in the midst of trials, joyful in the completion of mundane tasks, strengthened to do what is right, and focused on the Savior, which is the key to deep and lasting happiness in this life. (This is such a perfect thing for
me to be reminded of today...oh how God works in mysterious ways!!)
Please stop by the
SALT blog to see the other beautiful creations posted by our design team. And if you're inspired by this week's challenge, please leave us a comment!
As for my creation...I once again channeled my new BFF Tim (do you think he knows we're so close?) to make another vintage ATC. The background is from one of Tim's new 12x12 paper "
Lost and Found" paper stash. Isn't that amazing? I did nothing to the paper, it came out of the pack all grungy...how divine! I simply added a few swirls, from one of Tim's new sets (Shabby French), and a bird, verse, and ribbon. That oh so fabulous button is also from Tim...See, Tim and I, we're close like that...