as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." -I Peter 4:10
This week it was my turn to come up with a challenge for the SALT design team and I chose "Serving for God's Glory", using the above verse for inspiration and meditation. You can read my entire write up on the SALT blog, I'll just make a few brief comments here.
In verses 7-11, Peter turns to exhortation on how we are to treat others and reminds his readers to be "serious and watchful in their prayers" and to have "fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins." In verse 10 he pens our challenge verse, noted above.
As I considered this verse and how I can apply it to my life, I realized that I too frequently have failed to minister to the needs of others around me. I tend to be far too self-absorbed with my own life and struggles and don't stop to look for others in need. It's too easy for my focus to be only on my circumstances and not enough on Christ, the church, and my neighbor.
That simple saying, "it is better to give than to receive" is so true. In general, many of us have been abundantly blessed with material things, adequate finances, and generally good health. On top of that, we have Christ, do we need more? Yet there are so many who are in desperate need, either of practical help, a word of encouragement, a listening ear, or genuine love and friendship and we (at least I) have a tendency to pass them by. May God be pleased, and may we be willing, to use us to minister to those around us... not so we can pat ourselves on the back or enjoy the good feelings that come from helping someone but so that God can be glorified as we faithfully use the special gifts He has given to us.
Onto the project! When I went to create something for this week's challenge, I wanted to make an altered notebook to jot down notes about those who I think could use a phone call, a note of encouragement, or some practical help. (I plan to start with the folks in my own church!) And me without a list is like a dog without a bone...I need a list to stay organized!
I remembered this handmade note card holder that I picked up at a craft show a few years ago. It's been sitting in my desk, collecting dust ever since, even though I think it's an adorable project. It consists of a chipboard front and back and has a boatload of 3x5 index cards in between. The entire piece is held together with a metal ring. The picture of the original piece is below.