I had a inspiring woman in mind immediately, Elizabeth Prentiss, who was the youngest daughter of one of the great revival preachers of the early 1800's, Edward Payson of Portland, ME. Elizabeth wrote the most amazing book, "Stepping Heavenward", which I have been priviledged to read a number of times. It's a wonderful book that deals with the trials of being a woman, a wife, and a mother and is written in a journal format. While it is fiction, the book is drawn from Elizabeth's actual experiences and has a profound affect upon women. If you can get your hands on a copy of the book, I highly recommend it!
Elizabeth also wrote the hymn "More Love to Thee." She wrote to a friend in 1873, "To love Christ more - this is the deepest need, the constant cry of my soul. Down in the bowling alley, and out in the woods, and on my bed, and out driving, when I am happy and busy, and when I am sad and idle, the whisper keeps going up for more love, more love, more love!" Ah...for that to be my constant cry as well!
I created a 12x12 scrapbook page, highlighting her hymn, that I plan to hang on my craft room wall as a reminder to pray for more love for Christ. Project details:
-I started with this fun felt heart (Julie, you've inspired me to use felt!) and sewed four buttons onto the edge of the heart
-The hymn was copied onto a transparency, which was layered under the heart
-Big, giant swirls were added as a design element to my basic gray cardstock (I love gray and red together!)
-I then took a "love definition" background stamp and completed stamped a piece of twill that was tied around the bottom half of the page before adding the hymn and heart
-A tab was added to the hymn that says 100 percent...love that!
-Grudge letters spelling "more" and a love stamp and more swirls finished off the piece
I'm still on the fence on whether or not it is too plain...Boy do I struggle with keeping things simple. "I should add one more swirl...no, don't do it...oh, just a little something here, maybe another button...no, it's fine, leave it alone...well, how about some ribbon....no, that won't work...ok, maybe some more background stamping..." Such are my internal conversations down in my studio! LOL!
I hope you enjoy and please take a stroll on over to the SALT blog to check out everyone's creations and to find out about our very first RAK! One of our dear team members, Casey from Scripture by Design , is offering a bunch of free goodies...Go check it out!