The SALT group is looking to add to it's design team! If you are a crafting Christian and would like to be considered for the design team, please submit three digital photos (please be sure the files are small enough to be emailed) of your work, any medium is fine, along with your name, location, blog address, and a brief bio and personal testimony of faith to Kim Schofield at ksdm@comcast. net by February15, 2009. Details on our team is below:
SALT is a faith-based challenge blog comprised of a diverse group of card makers, scrappers and altered art fans from across the world who have been brought together through our love of Jesus Christ and our desire to express our faith in creative ways.
Although our backgrounds and denominations are different, as a group we hold to the following doctrines:
1) Faith in one God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
2) That the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, is the supreme authority for the faith and conduct of God's people
3) The essential deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His substitutionary death, and His physical resurrection
4) That through Christ's work on the cross, the forgiveness of sins,reconciliation to God, and eternal life is offered to all
5) That God commands all people to repent and to believe the gospel
Design team responsibilities:
1. Term – At this time we do not have a beginning and end time for the team. The current team has been in place for over a year. The understanding is that you would sign up for as long as you are able to effectively participate in the challenges. You will be free to leave the team at any time.
2. Format – Based on a rotating schedule, design team members will take turns posting a challenge (for example, "hope" or "God is good") to the team via our Yahoo message board. The entire team will then create projects based upon that topic.
3. Design work – You should be able to complete a card, scrapbook page, or altered project once every other week. You will also be required to write a short blurb about your topic and provide supporting scripture text.
4. Blog – Familiarity with Blogger is a plus as you'll need to be able to format and post your work and blurb independently.
Our friendships developed through the SALT blog have been a tremendous blessing and we look forward to getting to know you and reviewing your work and application. Please browse through our design team's work on the SALT blog and forward any questions you may have to Kim Schofield at ksdm@comcast. net.