Monday, February 22, 2010

Sweet Shop Challenge - SSS44

It's time for another Sweet Shop skech challenge! I choose three newly released images from Sweet 'n Sassy on my card...but just a sneak peek of each! I'll share cards in the next few days that showcase the entire image. But if you just can't wait then head on over to the Sweet 'n Sassy home page, Korin has posted a link that will take you to all of the newest releases. I live in New England so Spring has definitely not sprung yet but the sun is shining today and the weatherman is calling for rain tomorrow instead of snow so...I think we're on our way and I have to say that I can't wait!! We haven't had a bad winter, especially in comparison to some of my DT members who have been hit with many feet of snow, but the cold keeps us in and I'm ready for some warm weather. :-) Quick post today as I'm off to work for the day!! Please stop by The Sweet Shop to check out all of the other beautiful DT creations and try out your hand at this week's challenge! Remember that if you participate in the sketch challenge, you'll be entered into a drawing for free goodies!!


  1. Oh Kim, I totally love this card. Love your coloring and I am sooooo going to use this sketch. I love it.


  2. Love this design and ♥ those cute images!

  3. absolutely ADORE this card---what wonderful images ! makes me wish I had stayed in stamping--but I don't have the talent that you and your friends have,guess I will stick to scrapbooking and quilting.
    Almost caught up on the family scrapbooking so am ready and I confess,eager, to get back to my sewing and crafting. Love all your work. mom

  4. This is a beautiful card! I love all the elements of Spring that each square has. LOVE it!!!

  5. Oh my! How cute is that? <--- Very cute!

    Great coloring, adorable images, strong design. Yes. I love it.

    Now if only spring would get here!!!

  6. Oh my! How cute is that? <--- Very cute!

    Great coloring, adorable images, strong design. Yes. I love it.

    Now if only spring would get here!!!
