Saturday, February 20, 2010

Keep it Simple Sunday

Today's Tip: Create a main focal point on your card, leaving the
background unembellished! (**gasp!**)
Psssttt...I know it's only Saturday night but I thought I'd get a head start on my Keep it Simple post since I have lots to share this week!! This week's card is in response to a CAS challenge over at Splitcoast. The challenge was to create a Spring CAS card and since I haven't inked up my PTI sets in awhile, I decided to use the Everyday Button Bits and Borders & Corners/Square sets to create a card. I first stamped a frame from Borders set and then layered a scalloped square, the frame, and then the flowers and buttons. I used my Scor-Pal to create just a few lines in the back of the square...just for a little something extra! I also added some distress ink to the edges of the card and the sentiment smack dab in the middle! I'm not sure how Springy kraft cardstock is but then it's hard to take the grunge out of a grunge girl! LOL! Enjoy!


  1. Love your beautiful card...sometimes clean and simple is just the ticket. Thanks for this lovely inspiration!

  2. This is so beautiful, love the orange buttons!!

  3. Fabulous card. You've made me really want that Button set. I also totally love the way you scored the front card panel. It's a simple touch that adds so much!
