Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas - Day Nine

It's day nine! And each day I think, "now this is my favorite tag" but...I think today's might really be my favorite because Tim incorporated photographs, which meant I was able to include my munchkins on my tag. Of course these photos are from three years ago but who's counting and it adds to that vintage feel...really... Today's tag started with a few simple additions to the tag itself; ink, swirls (from Papertrey), scripty writing, and a few stamped images in black ink. Aren't these circle images fantastic? You can make a layered circle by including all of the images into one stamp or you can pull each circle apart to put around a individual photo, etc. I have long since lost the original packaging so I'm clueless as to the manufacturer (sorry), however, if I can find a link I'll post later. Nothing like pointing out the wonderful features of a stamp set and then telling you I don't know where you can buy your own...gee, how nice of me! ;-) For my photos, I altered a color photo to make it black and white and then I created slide mounts to hold the photos. The slide mounts were made using my Cuttlebug and Nestibilities die cuts. I created the frame by using two square dies, a smaller nestled inside a larger before running through the Cuttlebug....instant frame! I then stamped a script image over the top of them in white ink. There is also a piece of acetate on the front so they're like those real slide mounts you can buy at your craft store. If the photos had been a little larger I would have added a rub on to the front of the acetate but no room on these little photos! At the top of the tag, where Tim chose to add two alphabet circles, I added the date '06, from when these photos were taken. Since they're hanging on a safety pin, you can't always see both numbers so I took a better photo. These are just stickers that I put on cardstock for more stability. Last, I added a paper ribbon to the bottom with a "I love you so much" sentiment from Papertreyink. The sentiment is embossed in black and the paper has been aged...oh goodness, I probably don't need to tell you about the whole "aging" thing anymore, do I? I mean I can hardly stop myself from aging the edges of everything I create so how about we just stop talking about that step...I know, you feel better already, don't you? Well I can hardly believe that we have only three days left...what the heck am I going to do with myself after the 12 Tags of Christmas have ended? Guess I'll be able to get back to activities like making homemade playdough and creating crazy animals with my kids... That's what we did today after my tag was completed and I realized the kids were rolling on the floor, whining about how bored they were....egads...can't they entertain themselves for hours on end? I mean I've only been locked in my craft room for nine days... :-) (Notice how I am only talented enough to create a snowman and my husband can create a dinosaur watching over it's eggs in the nest. Did dinosaurs make nests? Where does he come up with this stuff??) Be sure to check back tomorrow ten!


  1. Love, love, love your tags for days 8 and 9! They are beautiful! You took Tim's wonderful ideas, but gave your tags a softer look, which I love. By the way, I'm pretty impressed with the dino your hubby made too:)

  2. Wow, your tags are simply stunning, you amaze me each time - this is another very inspirational piece of artwork!!

  3. I love this've taken Tim's inspiration and made it personal...and you did it so perfectly. I'm so glad I found your blog (I wandered here from Jacqueline's My Scrap Basket)you are very inspiring!
