Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas - Day Eight

Welcome to day eight of Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas! So far I have managed to keep up with each day's tags, however, my family has grown quite hungry, my house is like a war zone, and I'm not sure when I last showered...OK...it's not that bad but I have been crafting like a mad woman and have been having so much fun that I seriously want to lock myself in my craft room with my stamps and tags! If only I could get paid to make tags....hummm....I need to work on that! :-) On today's tag, Tim used vellum, metal trinkets (darn those trinkets!), distressing (but of course), and embossing. I managed to bring in those elements on my tag but it took some thought and serious searching for what appears to be the only remaining tiny scrap of vellum left in my giant pile of scraps. (Note to self, "buy more vellum!") Since I chose images that were on the smaller side, I opted to cut out a circle of vellum vs. using a larger sheet, like Tim, since my images would have gotten lost. (Tim created his vellum to look like an old sheet of music...very cool.) I just went with a script background that was then aged with distress ink. I also roughed up the edges of the circle to stay with that vintage look. The tag background was simply covered with two different brown distress inks and stamped with swirls and a sanded background (from SU!). The heart image is from Unity and is one of my favorite stamps from the company, along with that darling sentiment. I stamped the images on kraft cardstock and embossed both; the heart in black and the sentiment in gold. Both images got some ink on the edges; the heart got a bit of color from Copics and the sentiment was cut into a tag shape, both were attached with dimensional tape. Last but not least, diamond stickles were added to just a small section of the heart. I added the only metal trinkets that I own, two square paper clips at the bottom of the tag (they look kind of cool, right? Work with me people...) and two "paper holdy things" (that's a professional paper crafter term) on my tag. I know that "technically" the paper holdy things are supposed to face in but I kind of thought they looked funky the other way around but then maybe I've been sniffing too much Zip Dry over the past eight days...LOL! Hope you enjoyed today's tag...back with more for day nine!


  1. Hey great job improvising!! It's been as fun watching you as Tim this week! :)

  2. You crack me up!!!
    I love visiting, it is always great to laugh and learn at the same time!!!
    You are rockin this tag thang girl!!!
    I am going to have to try it....
