Friday, December 18, 2009

Mini Card Gift Set

A few months ago some friends of ours told us that they'd like to watch the kids once a month so the hubby and I could have a date night...yippee! Seeing as we haven't been out alone in about eight months, we were more than anxious to take them up on their offer!! A few weeks ago, we finally found a day that worked well and headed out...alone...Turns out we really do enjoy each other's company, it had been so long we forgot how much fun we have together. Guess that's a good thing, seeing as we plan to live together until "death do us part." :-) I put together a small thank you gift for them. This mini card set (cards were a little larger than ATC size), which I picked up at Wholly Scrap, was a perfect gift for my friend and her hubby got a batch of some yummy sugar cookies, ala Pioneer Woman style (recipe is from her new cookbook and are the best sugar cookies you have ever eaten!). Since the cards were small I needed to keep the design simple...that and I am forever pressed for time so I needed something I could quickly produce! Four cards were covered in navy polka dots (background stamp by SU!) and layered with a thank you sentiment from Papertrey. The double navy circle is also a stamp from PTI. The second set of cards were embossed with a SU! embossing folder and sported a best wishes sentiment with a leafy background, also from PTI.
I then stacked the cards and envelopes, and wrapped them up in a piece of beautiful green ribbon from PTI. A tag, stamped with and SU! image and PTI sentiment, finished off my little gift. Now to start planning our next you think they'd notice if we left the kids with them for a week?