Sunday, December 20, 2009

Keep it Simple Sunday

Today's Tip: Take it all off (layers and embellishments that is) and go for one layer!
Let's have a show of hands of how many people are ready for Christmas?? I'm in pretty good shape...only one more present to purchase but a whole lot to wrap! I am so looking forward to spending the next two weeks enjoying visiting relatives, friends, and my hubby not working! Today's card is a tribute to the one layer look...perfect when one needs to mass produce! I created these two cards for a few of our neighbors that we're friendly with. The cards accompanied a bag of yummy sugar cookies!
The images used on both cards are from Taylored Expressions and were stamped with Memento ink and colored with Copics. A bow made with lovely Papertreyink ribbon was the finishing touch!! And now I'm off to enjoy a warm evening at home, after watching the snow fall for most of the day. Here's a shot looking out of our living room window...there's a driveway under there somewhere! Enjoy your night!