Friday, June 13, 2008

Ye Villiage of Wee Wooden People

A fun non-card project that I worked on earlier this week for my little ones. I read about a fun "seasons table" that a Mom had set up for her son, which included lots of little trinkets they would pick up from their adventures exploring outside as well as a set of the cutest little wooden people. She had a link to someone who sells them on Etsy and I almost ordered a set on the spot but stopped short when I saw she also sold the unpainted bodies. Figured I might be able to find my own unpainted bodies at my local craft store, saving me the cost of shipping. Headed out the next day and found myself a boatload of unpainted, wooden bodies! Spent an afternoon and evening painting these cuties. My oldest helped in the afternoon so where you see a blue face or red and green hair you know he was hard at work! :-) He seemed to only want to paint the heads so I needed to add the clothes later in the evening. I even included a bald Daddy to look like the real thing! hee hee

I left the little families set up on the coffee table where the boys would find them the next morning and I had visions of them playing peacefully for hours. Well...they played peacefully for about five minutes and then the yelling started about who had what and I believe the game ended when our little one decided they made much better projectiles then figurines! much for my visions...maybe they're better reserved for two little girls instead of two little boys...

Hope you all can enjoy my handiwork since it seems to have been lost on my children! ;-)


  1. I love these little wooden people! Wow! you've been doing so much since I last visited. Love your chipboard/inchie challenge - might even try to get something done tomorrow.

  2. I LOVE this project Kim! How fun. I like the interpretation of your oldest too ;) Great to work on something like this together.
