Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chipboard Tuesday

Here it is...Tuesday! And I'm back with my promised challenge that basically consists of me blindly pulling a few pieces of chipboard out from that big 'ol bucket of chipboard pictured in yesterday's post. ;-)

I picked up the bucket of chipboard at my local Walmart because it was oh so cheap but when I got it home and started to look at it I wondered, "now what in the world am I going to do with all this?!" That's when my idea for a weekly challenge popped into my tiny brain! :-) This way I use up some of this chipboard, because I'm famous for hording, and my faithful readers are sure to get at least one new card posted a week, 'cause lately I've been too darn busy to regularly post or stamp! Now I'll feel responsible to post and, more importantly, stamp!

Let's get on with this week's challenge! Week one brought these pieces from the chipboard bucket:

Hum...not really moving me. Not crazy about the bright colors or the "go team" tag...but I quickly realized that the inside pieces were 1" x 1" and instantly thought of creating something with "inchies" as part of my card. My favorite thing to do with inchies (maybe this is how it's done anyway) is to find a stamp that is larger than the 1" square and stamp only a portion of it onto my inchie.

I found that one of my Odd Bird Planet stamps would be perfect for this type of project. (I also decided to cover both of the squares with a plain white cardstock for a clean stamping surface.) I used just a portion of the birthday stack image on both squares, highlighting two different sections of the stamp, and then colored the images with Copic markers. Since this was going to be a birthday card, I used an OBP background stamp, I love cake, to create the bottom layer of the card. (I adore this background stamp, it is so much fun!) And I will confess that I tried really hard not to age the edges of my card but...I just can't help myself...I need brown on everything I make! I love it! hee hee

The middle section of the card was stamped with a few SU! stamps to create the argyle background and then a length of wide grosgrain was added around the center. Oh, and small white scallops are peeking out from behind the pumpkin pie cardstock. I also wanted a little color behind my inchies so I took a small square and cut it in half diagonally, creating a small frame for each square. And that, my friends, was easy as cake! :-)

Now it's time for you to play along! Create a card using inchies and leave a comment with a link back to your blog...I wanna see what you made!

You'll have until Monday, 6/16, to post a link and then I'll list everyone's creations here on my blog. Perhaps I'll choose a winning design and send off a little blog candy...maybe a hand full of chipboard! hee hee


  1. Very cute Kim!! That looked like a BIG bucket - lol! :) Hope things are well??!

  2. beautiful card!

    challenge of inchies?..mum...let me think about~ :)
