Thursday, December 27, 2007

Paint Can Full 'O Goodies!

This is my last holiday themed post for 2007 and is the final piece in the holiday gift pack that I've posted about over the past few days; the candle, gift card holder, and's a paint can to hold all your goodies! :-)

This paint can was purchased at Wholly Scrap and is a bit larger than the cans I've worked with in the past. However, it was the perfect size to hold the items mentioned above, along with some festive shredded paper as filler. Below is a photo looking into the can (and this provides you with a good photo of the tiny gift cards that fit into the round tin):
Since I used these items in a class that I taught I was somewhat limited on supplies. I could have picked up enough paper to cover the entire paint can but then the class price would have gone increased so I went with a belly band..and...I really liked the final result. Not only did the can still look festive but it was a breeze to decorate!

I used more of Basic Gray's Figgy Pudding paper, the snowflake and polka dot designs are part of the same piece of double-sided paper. I wrapped the can with the two paper designs and a piece of funky green ribbon. A tag was added along with a small holiday flower image. The top of the paint can was covered in the same paper, using a large scalloped circle to highlight the flower image, which was colored with Copics and cut out before being attached with dimensional tape.

Using paint cans is such a great way to package a themed gift, such as a at-home spa package, manicure package, jammie package...the possibilities are endless...what fun!

I hope you've found some inspiration for when your next gift giving opportunity arises!

Happy Giving!


  1. this is a great idea! especially home spa package!

  2. Hello! Kim:)

    What a wonderful idea!
    I love your decoration! Beautiful!

  3. Hello! Kim:)

    What a wonderful idea!
    I love your decoration! Beautiful!
