Sunday, December 30, 2007

Illustration Friday Challange - Soar

This week's topic on the Illustration Friday web site was "Soar." A perfect topic as I just recently received a lovely order of justjohanna stamps and the above images were all part of my order...yes, even the "Soar" sentiment!

This type of design is a first for me as it didn't include any layering or patterned paper. I was almost nervous about attempting this type of card! However, one of the things I really like about justjohanna images is how well they stand alone, without the need for a lot of extras.

My cardstock is a beautifully textured cream paper. All of the images used on the card are separate; the birdcage, the cage stand, the bird, and sentiment, and they have all been colored with Copic markers. I added a small gray shadow under the birdcage holder to "ground" it and a black brad to act as the "hinge" that holds the cage to the holder. The "soar" sentiment was stamped on a small piece of paper covered chipboard, with two more black brads added to each side. A bright piece of orange grosgrain finished off the piece.

Enjoy and check out the Illustration Friday web site...This is my first card created for this site and they post some very cool and creative art. You can see all of the entries for the Soar challenge here.

Happy Flying!

EDIT: Uploaded a better photo of the card.


  1. I really like it! So you even happened to order a "soar" stamp! How cool is that!

    I am a big fan of single layer cards and I think yours is perfect.

  2. A great card! Really nice coloring too!

  3. Soar, little bird, soar! Now that's serendipity working for you, getting all of this in the mail in time for Illustration Friday! Very sweet.

  4. It's great. You must have had ESP when you sent in your jj order. You card is perfect for the theme.

  5. fabulous! I love the simple style with a lot of meanings~
