Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Art Journal

Hello friends and happy holidays! After a very long silence on my beloved blog, I'm actually back with a project! And I even turned it into a short photo tutorial...shocking! LOL!

Our family is finally settled in CT, and while I can't say that I feel 100% "at home," we're comfortable in our new house and enjoyed the Christmas holiday with family. (We even packed in a day trip to NH last weekend to celebrate with our church friends)

The new house is fully decorated and we just need to hang a few more curtains before calling it quits. The unpacking seems to go on forever... My new craft area is actually part of a huge loft that also contains our guest bed, the boys Legos and toys, and our school area. I have one large enclosed cabinet and one bookshelf for my supplies. And because we're in a rental, I opted to only unpack supplies I felt that I'd use on a regular basis. (Everything else is in bins that I can easily access, if needed) 

Because the loft area is multi-functional, I don't have the freedom to leave all of my supplies out on a table like I did when I had my own space. While this initially had me feeling like I never wanted to create art again (translation - I've been feeling very down about our move), I realized it actually helped me be more purposeful when I create. Rather than being overwhelmed by everything sitting on my desk and around me, I now need to think through what I want to make and what supplies I'll need...reminding myself that if I want anything that is still packed, I'll need to go searching through bins. The need to be mindful led me to really sit and think through what I wanted to create yesterday. I knew that I wanted a holiday theme, and I wanted to use Christmas tree ornaments. Creating a mental list of supplies before I started meant that my art journal spread came together pretty effortlessly. It felt really great to begin and finish a project, after doing nothing for so many weeks. I even commented to my husband that I felt the desire to be back on a design team...maybe this is a good sign for my emotional state. :-)

Without further are more photos of my project, along with the link to the video. The supply list is at the end of the post. Enjoy and thanks for hanging in there!

One thing I didn't mention in my video is that I used the Brushed Pewter paint to add silver to the edges of each ornament.

Supply List:
  1. Wendy Vecchi white embossing paste
  2. Distress Paint - Spun Sugar, Brushed Pewter, and Seedless Preserves
  3. Tim Holtz Stencils - Flourish
  4. Jet Black Archival Ink
  5. Faber Castell Big Brush Markers - Cool Gray
  6. Ranger Matte Medium

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