Monday, September 28, 2015

Gelli Plate and Texture Sheets Tutorial

Do these projects look familiar? My apologizes for the repeat...The card above was posted in early June of this year. I had, at the time that I made the card and mini book, recorded a video, which ended up being "stuck" on my iPhone. (Call me technically challenged) 

Fast forward three months and I finally managed to get the video off of my phone and uploaded to my You Tube channel! WooHoo!'re getting the photos again, but the video of how I created both projects for the first time. (As for that video...the framing is all wrong...I still need technical help! LOL!) Check out the video at the end of today's post.

In class news...

-I have one more seat left in this weekend's (10/3) Art Journaling Made Simple class. The class runs from 1-5 pm and the cost is $50. The cost of the class includes a Dylusions journal, which we'll work in to create three art journal spreads. Email me at to register and for other questions.

-Michaels in Epping, NH - I'll be teaching at Michaels on 10/23, 11/6, and 11/13. More specific details to follow, but each of the classes run from 6:30-8:30 pm. Two will be focused on art journaling and the third will be a card making class. I'll share class samples just as soon as I have them!

In personal news...

After six months, I'm pleased to report that my husband has found a job!! We're thrilled! The down side is that it will require our family to move. UGH! We'll be looking in the western NH and northern CT areas. While we're excited about a new career chapter, we're all a bit overwhelmed at the thought of moving. Our house goes on the market this week...sigh...and in preparation we've been in major packing/clean up mode. I just had to share how my studio looks's never been so clean!

Almost all of my craft supplies have been put into storage. I only left out paint, stencils, and my art journals. I'm curious to see if I can go without much of my other supplies....if so, I think there's going to be a big purge on the horizon! Now on to the video; I hope you enjoy!

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