Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Life Book Lesson 8

I confess that I'm a little behind with the Life Book lessons.  I was having a hard time getting my head around lesson 7...had a thought on how I wanted to approach the lesson and then things didn't turn out the way I wanted so this piece of background, shown above, sat on my studio table for a week.  When the lesson 8 class rolled around I realized that my background would be perfect for my boat!  I momentarily let go of #7 and fully embraced #8!

I'm a big fan of designer paper and love the idea of using collage to create a picture.  I was a bit rushed on this project, but it's something I've experimented with before and would like to explore in greater depth in the future.

My background was created by using a brayer to apply a few layers of acrylic paint.  Once the paint was dry, I added the fun clouds, which were created by hand cutting a cloud stencil and then using a make-up sponge and white acrylic paint to add the design.  I also added some white paint speckles all over the entire page.

For the water, I mixed Wendy Vecchi's Crackle Paste with some Tim Holtz Distress Paint and applied the mixture to the bottom of the page with a palette knife.  When it was dry I added a hint of aging around the edges, using Gathered Twigs Distress Ink.
  I hand cut a boat shape and sails from designer paper.  Added some more aging on the edges of each piece and glued my boat to the background.  The mast is a painted wood stick that I used to adhere all of my Tim Holtz rub ons.  I used a white gel pen to add a bit of design.
 I also added some stenciling, using black Archival Ink and a TCW stencil, to the background (before applying the boat), and added a bit more paint over the bottom of the boat so it was in the water instead of on top of the water.  This was a super easy project and "boat" loads of fun to create! **giggle**  The week 9 project looks promising so here's hoping I find some time to play this week!