Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sweet 'n Sassy Release Celebration - Small and Large Snowflake Dies

Welcome to day 6 of our September feature Blog Hops!  
Today we're featuring the fabulous Small Snowflake Dies and Large Snowflake dies. 

Why yes, my snowflakes are pink with stripes and I love them!  It's seriously fun to use an unexpected color and to include text.  It makes me happy!  Check out the full die sets below, along with links to the design team creations!


Die set includes 5 dies

The dies range from approximately 1" x 2 1/4"

 Die set - $14.25

Die set includes 3 dies
The dies range from approximately 2 1/2" x 4 1/4"
Die set - $33.25
Check out some of the fabulous samples made by our talented DT in the thumbnails below.

Be sure to leave a comment of each of the blogs along your journey because we're giving away (6) $15 store credits (1 winner will be chosen from each of the 6 blog hops).

The deadline to comment for a chance to win is midnight EST Friday, November 15th.  The list of winners will be announced on our website homepage by Monday, November 18th.

Thanks so much for joining us!  Enjoy the hop!



  1. Very nice! I love the text paper you combined with your snowflakes!

  2. Pink was unexpected but I like it!

  3. I love all those pink snowflakes, Kim!! Beautiful.

  4. I love the text paper and pink snowflakes!!

  5. Pretty pink snowflakes! With the text & the snowy day sentiment it makes me think of curling up with a book on a snowy day! I was even reading the text here since it was so clear, didn't follow it tho. :)

  6. Kim, you always Wow me with your fresh trendy ideas. I love the idea of pink, strips, and text together. I love the smaller snowflakes just barely touching the next size - Oh, did I say I loved those pink stripped snowflakes A LOT! *wink*

  7. Love the card.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  8. Very pretty. I like the pink snowflakes and the text panel.

  9. Really pretty! Love the pink patterned paper flakes! Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  10. Love the pink and the text paper.

  11. So simple, but so pretty! Pink stripes are unusual for snowflakes, but it really works! and a great combo with the text paper.

  12. Very pretty Kim. Love the pink against the book page.
