Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gesso Resist Posts

My is it even possible that it's been so long since I've posted on my blog?!  My apologizes for being MIA for such a long time!  Last week was a whirlwind of activity, with me attending three days of a retailer show about an hour from my home.  I attended a boatload of super exciting classes, along with a day long Ranger training with Dyan Reaveley and Tim times!

Today, I actually have two posts...on two separate blogs!  The first, shown above, is a project that I completed for the eP blog and the second, shown below, is for the Sweet 'n Sassy blog.
 Both projects showcase a gesso resist technique, which I first saw demonstrated by Claudine Hellmuth during the winter CHA show.  Tim took that technique and combined it with Distress Stains...the end result was divine!  Visit each blog to read more about it or you can check out the video I created showing you how to do the technique...super easy!



  1. These look awesome Kim. I am off to check out both posts. :)

  2. Hi Kim...these are just gorgeous, and thanks for sharing the technique! Your video was perfect! Loved it!
