Tuesday, March 26, 2013

eclectic Paperie eTeam Picks Challenge

Howdy and welcome to March's eclectic Paperie eTeam Picks Challenge!!  Don't know much about this challenge?  Head on over to the eP blog to find out more and to find out how to enter for a a chance to win a $15 gift certificate to eP!

This month's challenge was selected by Bonnie and she inspired us to create a project with corrugated cardboard or cardstock.  (And you have to check out her amazing project!)  Since we just received a shipment of 12x12 corrugated cardstock from Fancy Pants, I knew I had to get busy and create a scrapbook page to show off a photo of my oldest from his birthday party last week.
Believe it or not, this started out as a piece of kraft corrugated cardstock but I couldn't leave it just like that...I had to alter!  I started by adding some white embossing paste to give me a surface to add some stamping or rub ons, if the mood struck.  Then I added color from a few ink sprays (After Midnight, Lemon Zest, and London Blue.)
Next I used white linen ink spray (love this stuff!) and a few stencils to add some design to the page.  (My second stencil got a coat of black acrylic paint)
Then I grabbed a paper pack that I've been hoarding for years and pulled out some papers that I thought would work well for my page.  I randomly stamped a script image on one of the papers and used a few older rub ons on some others.  (Rub ons...just random...I love that!)
And then...I have these darling balloons that were created using a new Sweet 'n Sassy product that is going to be announced next week...hummm...and see that Happy, Happy BDay sentiment...that might be part of a new release next week too...and then there's the hat in the photo below, the candlesticks, the tiny flames...Ohhh...exciting stuff!  Make sure you don't miss the release party!!

The balloons, hat, and candlesticks/flames were all die cut and then some elements were stamped, for design, and others were just cut from the designer paper pack.  I layered up a journal card, swirl, sentiments, and my design elements all in one spot on the page, just below the balloons.
I also had these fun corrugated numbers in my stash that were the perfect color for the page.  I added those and another run on sentiment before calling it a day!  Oh, and I kept my photo black and white since there was so much color going on with the page.  I must confess...I do adore scrapbooking.  It's such a great way to capture memories.  This new page is now hanging on my living room wall and is a constant reminder of my sweet boy and the joy he experienced opening not one...not two...but seven new Lego sets on his birthday!  A builder's paradise!

I hope you enjoyed today's project and be sure to check out the challenge details on the eclectic Paperie blog!


  1. WOW!! This is super duper cool :-)
    All the elements work perfectly together for one stunning piece of artwork. You rocked this girlfriend :-) The layers are great and of course the "Big Guy" in the photo is too cute!!

  2. Awesome... way cool background, love all the elements ( I love digging in my stash for cool stuff...), they are so amazing !!

  3. I love this, Kim. What a fabulous way to both use and alter that corrugated paper. The stencilling, spraying, and embossing paste create a gorgeous background. Love all of the layers of papers and die cuts. It makes for such an enjoyable and interesting page and really helps to tell the story. Sweet picture of your handsome lad. Glad he had such a great B-day celebration.

  4. adding the embossing paste to the corrugated..... omg, genius! I love your page. All the elements and the way you altered the corrugated paper. AWESOME.

  5. Jaw droppingly gorrrrgeous...adore every step you took along the way..WOW!!

  6. Oh, Kim.... I love everything about this! What a totally gorgeous LO. Off to pin it...

  7. What a great layout - that fine corrugated card creates such fantastic texture in the background, and all your altering is just brilliant - yum!
    Alison x
