Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Word for Love

Hi there!  Today I'm here to share a darling new stamp collection from Sweet 'n Sassy.  It's a collection celebrating adoption!  This is definitely a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  Not because I have adopted children (although I would in a heart beat if it wasn't so expensive!) but because I have a number of friends with wonderful adopted children that I love dearly.  There are so many children who need homes...and it's a tremendous blessing when one finds loving parents to raise, love, and care for them.

And this set is extra special because for every purchase, Sweet 'n Sassy will donate $10 towards the Henan Kids International organization to help with orphans in Henan, China.  Be still my heart...

This set is stock full of amazing sentiments, I wanted my card to focus on one of my favorite sayings in the set.  And when I think of sentiments on cards, I think of Joanne B.  Yes...I channeled Joanne for this card!  (I wonder if she knows that I always think of her when I think of sentiments as the focal point on a card...she's the queen of making great sentiment cards!)  I love her use of kraft cardstock too...So Joanne, thank you for the inspiration!

Since I was using a sentiment as my focal point, I wanted to dress up the card with pretty designer paper and the Farm Girl paper line from October Afternoon was perfect!  I got busy cutting lots of layers and digging out this sweet MFT die, Layered Label (isn't that fun die?!)  Then after I stamped the sentiment, I added some faux stitching with a Distress Marker, added some little flowers, a few brads, and some bling.

Enjoy today's card and be sure to check out the Sweet 'n Sassy blog for more details on ordering this wonderful set!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty Kim. Love the embossed background, the layers... the label looks great. Fab embellishments.
