Friday, August 31, 2012

Fourth Time is a Charm

Oh. My. Goodness.  I made the Splitcoast CAS team!!!  AAAHHHH!!!!  I seriously couldn't believe I was reading my name...I think I looked at the announcement for a full two minutes before it sunk in and my mouth fell open.  So excited! 
This was the first card I posted for the try outs.  The challenge was to use the colors of your favorite sports team.  Since I'm not a huge sports fan, I opted to use Kentucky Wildcats colors (I know I'm a bit off here, as their colors are more of a royal blue but it was the closest I had) for my Dad's favorite team.  And I had to mix those colors with a manly card! :-)
This fun tie image and sentiment is from Sweet Stamp Shop, It's a Man's World.  I colored the tie with Copics and layered in on a heavy weight cardstock from Wplus9.  The paper on the bottom is from Core-dinations, it's the Tim Holtz Kraft Core collection (love this stuff and it's on sale!)  The Core Collection cardstock was embossed and then I used the Sanding Block to lightly remove some of the blue.
So...our first challenge will be posted on Monday, and it's a super fun one, so don't miss it!


  1. GRATS Kim on your DT position! Great card too. :)

  2. Congratulations girl! You deserve it! Great looking masculine card. That tie is awesome. Have anwonderful weekend!

  3. Congratulations, Kim! You deserve the honor...can't wait to see all the new CAS challenges and your samples!

  4. love this card!!
    congrats on your new dt spot!

  5. Woot! Woot! Woot!

    Congratulations! They're lucky to have you design for them!

  6. Congratulations, Kim, on joining the CAS Team! You'll do a fantastic job! You rock!!!! :D
