Monday, July 16, 2012

Hello Beautiful

Happy Monday!  Goodness...I'm off to a slow start today, not a good beginning to the week!  Have had a bunch going on over the past few weeks and I think it's all catching up with me!  So...It's going to be time to head out for a mini vacation this week!  I'll be headed to NY in a few days so blog posting may be light this week but before I leave I wanted to share a sweet scrapbook page I created a last week for Wholly Scrap!'s Kit of the Month program.  (Want more details on this program, contact the store!)

This page was created using Crate paper (love Crate) and stickers, which coordinate perfectly, also from Crate.  These sweet pictures are of my cousin's daughter.  Isn't she beautiful? :-) cousin makes the darling tutus shown in the photos. 
Here are a few close up shots of the stickers.  I love stickers that coordinate with scrapbook pages, it makes adding embellishments so quick and easy.  Use a little foam tape and you can add lots of layers too!
This sticker set also included words so it was a cinch to even add sentiments.  Fun stuff!  Thanks for stopping in today and be sure to check back on July 19th for Sweet 'n Sassy's Christmas in July blog hop!  Great new releases and prizes!!

Oh, for anyone interested, my husband's knee is fine!  As in a-ok!  But his not...Turns out he has a compression fracture of his femur!  Huh??  We were shocked to find this out but so thankful that surgery will not be required.  And since he's basically be walking around, although being in a lot of pain, on a broken bone for a month there's nothing more to do for him.  He just needs to continue to take it easy, rest, and let his leg heal.

Take care and be sure to check back on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet page Kim. Love the pretty paper and different elements. Perfect with the darling photos. Have fun on your mini vacation... your poor hubby! It must be really hard on him.
