Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kiss, Kiss

I know it's just a wee bit past Valentine's Day but not so far past that I can't share a love-themed scrapbook page, right? This is a project that I created for PSA Essentials and it features a bunch of darling stamps, a whole lotta heart-filled papers, and one very happily married couple!
How about these little stick figure people, aren't they so cute? And I love the sentiment, "Kiss me now, love me forever." I also added a few more love-y sentiments as accents. Oh, the paper I used is from Cosmo Cricket...isn't it fun? Love their designs!
On this kiss, kiss sentiment I added a pair of pale pink can just see a hint of the lips under the words. Fun, right? I also had some fun creating a few paper ribbons but used tiny staples to create the creases (this is a fun technique that I picked up from Paisley and Polka Dots). You can read more about the specifics of the products over at PSA Essentials! Enjoy!
PS - My sweetie friend Julie is the guest designer over at PSA, head on over and check out her sweet cards!

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