Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sweet 'n Sassy Sneak Peek - Flowers in Bloom

Welcome to the next Sweet 'n Sassy sneak peek! Have you been following along with the sneak peeks this week? You can find them all on the Sweet 'n Sassy blog! Be sure to check out all of the design goodness!! Today I'm sharing a card that features the soon-to-be-released stamp set, Flowers in Bloom. Hello, flowers? I couldn't be happier!! This set features this beautiful floral image and a number of sentiments. I paired my image with embossed Core-dinations paper and if you've never used this paper...go out and buy some, it's so much fun! The paper has already been embossed with various designs and then when you sand the paper, the design is revealed. Fun! I also added a strip of designer paper from October Afternoon. The image has been colored with Copics and my butterfly stamped twice so that I could cut out one butterfly and pop up the wings...also added just a hint of Stickles. Enjoy today's card and be sure to check out the blog for links to other sneak peeks using this same set!


  1. Your card is gorgeous, Kim! Love the texture of the Core-dinations paper, the popped up butterfly, and the beautiful coneflower image!

  2. your card is a real eye-candy!

    LOVE it!!!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  3. Gorgeous card, I love the colours you've choosen.

  4. This is so beautiful Kim! I didn't know about that Core-dinations paper! Sounds like fun!

  5. Kim this is gorgeous, that dp is perfect

  6. Lovely card. I love your coloring, paper choices, and design.
