Friday, August 13, 2010

BBQ Layout

Hey look, I made a scrapbook page! It's not often that I scrapbook a 12x12 page...truth be told, they intimidate me a bit...but since I work in a scrapbook store I figured I should give it a try! This is a page I created using a new line of Bo Bunny paper and stickers. Although the layout looks like a lot is going on, most of the decoration is on the paper. I only added a few extra patterns, a spot for the photos, and some stickers. I guess it turned out ok because one of our customers tried to buy it...LOL! Enjoy! (Sorry it's been so quiet here on the blog, we've had a sick household for the past two weeks...I went down on crafting has been non-existent. Hoping next week is better for everyone!!)

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