Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trees of all Shapes and Sizes

Hi all! Guess what? I'm back with Internet service - yeah!!! Still no electricity but I'm thrilled to have Internet service, phones, and TV back! The town has said it will probably be another day or two until we have our electricity back on...so that will make a full week with us running the house on just generator power. Oh, and cooking on the grill...that's been kind of fun...the hubby doing the cooking and enjoying summer foods like burgers and hot dogs...yum! My craft room doesn't have power so I haven't had much crafting time this past week so I'm sharing another card that I'll be demonstrating at an upcoming Wholly Scrap Technique Class. This sample showcases the 'spotlighting' technique along with stamp images from TPC Studio, the Woodland Whimsy collection. I thought an image of trees would be perfect since we have so many trees down from the storm! Here's just one that is down across some power lines close to the store where I work...
This was the sight all over our area the day after the storm. In one of our neighboring towns, they had over 50 telephone poles down. We were fortunate to not have many down near our house....although I think we have enough branches down to make a few more free standing trees! Enjoy!


  1. Very cute! Love the trees! :) Glad you're back on now!

  2. Kim this is ADORABLE!!!!!!! Just LOVE it!!!!

    Wow, hope that you guys don't get anymore storms like that. Our tornado season will be starting up in a couple of weeks and after the type of winter we had I'm really worried.

