Thursday, February 25, 2010

CardPatterns Sketch Challenge #52

I decided to play along with the CardPatterns sketch challenge this week, using some brand new imaginisce paper that I picked up at Wholly Scrap this week. (The one downside to working at a scrapbook store is that you get first dibs on all the new stuff!) Here's the sketch: And here's my take on the sketch! This paper line, called Live Loud, is filled with wonderful band-inspired images, a perfect match with my "Rock On" guitar and sentiment from Unity. Instead of using small squares at the top and bottom of my card, I decided to add some hardware...a must for a rock 'n roll inspired card! :-)
I'll have to take some pictures of the entire imaginisce Live Loud line to share...Oh, I should mention that I have the ability to ship product from the store to out-of-state customers so...if you have any special paper or supply requests, let me know! Enjoy today's card and check back tomorrow for a Sweet 'n Sassy challenge card! Hey, it's a week full of challenges - love that!


  1. oh this is awesome. I never seem to create too many 'masculine' or boy themed cards. This totally rocks :-)

  2. LOVE. This. Card! Fantastic layout and super cute details!!

  3. Cute card. I'll have to check out that paper. :D

  4. Hi Kim!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful art!
    Please come by and visit me to see what I've been up to!

    God Bless!
