Thursday, December 24, 2009

SALT Challenge - Joy in Jesus

This week it was Ruth's turn to set the SALT challenge and she chose Joy in Jesus. Her comments are below: "We often sing these words at this time of year, I would like to take time to reflect on what this actually means. And how the reality of the joy of knowing Jesus can dramatically change the direction of your life.It's my turn (Ruth) to set the theme this week, we're slowly getting back into a routine after the birth of our daughter Mae. I have recently been introduced to the Christian speaker Louie Giglio. If you search for him on You Tube you will find clips. One of his talks is headed Indescribable, he goes into great detail about the Universe, our Galaxy and the size of the stars. They are inspirational messages, that have made me appreciate how great and awesome God is, indeed how indescribable he is. It has reminded me of the humility of Jesus - God's son, in taking on humanity - being human. The even more amazing thing is, he take on 'being human' for a holiday, or for the 'experience' - he did it for a purpose. He had to become human in order to pay for the punishment we deserve for the things we do that we shouldn't, and the things we don't do that we should. Although Christmas isn't a day we are told to celebrate in the Bible, it is a time where we as Christians can stop and ponder and be thankful to God that he came in flesh all those years ago. A time to be truly JOYFUL for JESUS. Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas, from everyone on the SALT team." OK...I know, the word joy is no where to be found on my card! I was so lacking in time and, as it turns out, a scripture verse stamp with the word joy in it that I went searching for something else that would work. This great verse stamp from Verve made me think of one of the reasons that I have joy in Jesus...He brings rest. Not rest like getting a good night's sleep but rest from the heavy burden of sin. When feeling overwhelmed, wondering why I've yet again lost my patience or spoken in a harsh way, I know that I can bring my burdens to the Lord and tell him how I'm struggling and ask for His help. And I know that help, strength, and encouragement will be delivered. That feeling of comfort, like having loving arms wrapped around you when you're upset, is cause for great joy! If you're walking around today with a heavy burden, I would encourage you to seek Christ in prayer for real, lasting comfort, peace, joy, and rest. Wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas!! Please stop by the SALT blog to see the DT's beautiful work!


  1. Beautiful! Great job with all the sewing and that big pretty bow!! Merry Merry Christmas!! :)

  2. A good reminder from you, Kim, that we can find joy in resting in Jesus - thank you. The crafting is a beautiful blend of colours and textures. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas x

  3. Very beautiful card!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family Kim!
