Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Big News and Stamping Around Challenge

Good morning friends! First thing up this morning is news on our next Stamping Around challenge, hosted by Sweet 'n Sassy stamps! Hop on over to the Stamping Around web site for all the details but basically, if you play along with the challenge you'll be entered into a drawing for a free stamp set, pictured here on my card!! This week's challenge was to use a snowman on a card. This adorable stamp set, Love You This Much, will be available for purchase after January 7, 2009, but I just happened to have this set in my stashed because.... I've joined the design team!!!
I was beyond thrilled when Korin invited me to join the team!! I met Korin at Stamping Around PA and instantly connected with her bubbly personality and fell in love with her darling stamp designs. And after three years working with Odd Bird Planet, I made the decision to step down from designing and managing the team. It's been a wonderful experience but I wanted the opportunity to work with some other teams and when I saw the DT call for Sweet 'n Sassy I knew I wanted to work with their team. We've just gotten started but I'm already so impressed by the way Korin manages the business and team and love the warm welcome I've received from the entire team. I'm looking forward to the next few months....And be sure to check out the other DT blogs that will be listed on the left side of my blog. And what do you think about that picture of my card? Notice anything different?? Notice all the card details? The paper piercing around the heart, depth of the snowman (showing that he's attached with dimensional tape), and brightness of the colors? It's because my hubby got me a light tent for Christmas!! I just about shouted with joy when I opened it! I've been making cards and taking pictures like a mad woman! The difference in the quality of photos taken in the tent and on my bathroom vanity is amazing! LOL! Our family is headed out this morning - in the 14 degree weather - I'm off! Please stop by the Stamping Around site for details on the challenge!!


  1. Congratulations!!!

    Love your card and that stamp set is super cute! :)

  2. Woo hoo!!! HUGE congrats my friend - you are perfect for this spot!! Your card is adorable and the photo is super!! Yea Kev!! :) Have a great day!

  3. Congratulations Kim!! They are so lucky to have you!

    And yes, the photograph looks great. Love your card!

  4. Lovely Card and well put together. Tracy

  5. This is too cute and I could be happier to have you on the team :)!!!
    Big hugs,

  6. Great card Kim,
    Congratulations and welcome to the DT. Looking forward to getting to know and working with you.

  7. Goodness Kim, this card is a stunner! I love the way you colored the snowman. Will you give me lessons?

    Welcome aboard!!!

    Hugs and high fives,

  8. congrats on your new DT, and what a sweet and thoughtful gift from your hubby!

    happy new year!
