Wednesday, October 14, 2009

SALT Challenge - Confidence in God

"The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high." Proverbs 29:25
This is one of the verses that Hazel shared on the SALT blog supporting her challenge for this week - confidence in God. A thought provoking verse that can bring much comfort to those who are facing difficult circumstances in their lives or who are prone to anxiety over certain situations. Hazel shared many other excellent verses and comments on the blog, I encourage you to read her thoughts on this week's challenge. When searching for a Scripture text for me to use on my ATC, this one from Verve was a perfect fit. Such a powerful statement for believers to "be still..." God is still on the throne, no matter how things may appear on this earth. Matthew Henry, in this commentary, had this to say about Psalm 46, "This psalm encourages us to hope and trust in God, and His power, and providence, and gracious presence with His church in the worst of times, and directs us to give Him the glory for what He has done for us and what He will do. We are here taught to take comfort in God when things look very black and threatening, to mention, to His praise, the great things he has wrought for His church against its enemies, to assure ourselves that God who has glorified His own name will glorify it yet again, and to comfort ourselves with that. We may, in singing it, apply it either to our spiritual enemies, and be more than conquerors over them, or to the public enemies of Christ's kingdom in the world and their threatening insults, endeavouring to preserve a holy security and serenity of mind when they seem most formidable. It is said of Luther that, when he heard any discouraging news, would say, "Come, let us sing the forth-sixth psalm."
If we trust that God is the Creator of all things, then we can surely trust that He knows about all the details of our lives (even those that may seem insignificant), and is in control of what happens in the world and in each of our particular situations. Though we may never know why certain things happen, we can rest assured that "all things work together for good, to them that love God." May we be comforted by knowing that He is God... Supply List: Stamps - Papertryink, Verve Paper - SU! Ribbon - Papertryink


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and super crafting - an excellent response to my challenge x
