Monday, July 6, 2009

Documenting a Month in Photos

A long time ago I created this amazing chipboard tag album, which came as a kit from Melodee Langworthy. I highly recommend her blog and her kits, they are all amazing! I purchased a second one last Christmas. Of course I have yet to put it together but I've got it! When we were packing our old house I realized I had never posted the photos of this. Since this is an insanely busy week - prepping for the Stamping Around CT event happening this weekend - posts may be few and far between until next week so I thought this would be the perfect time to share! Melodee's kits come with everything you'll need to create an album, with the exception of the stamps and photos. However, she makes great recommendations on stamps to use and I ended up picking up a set for this album. The size is 4" x 6" so it was a breeze to add photos, simply needed to round the corners. There is a photo on one side and journaling on the other. The idea for this album was to take photos for an entire month and then pick a photo for each day of the month, which would fit on each tag. It was a great experience, as I have a tendency to forget to photograph special moments, and it's helped me to remember to take my camera along, especially when I'm with the kiddies! I didn't photograph every day's photos but picked out a few special ones to share...Enjoy!

Just up from a nap...Love that sweet face.

This was our baby's first trip to the beach and he hated the sand!
He finally touched it with his hands but refused to put his feet anywhere near it!
He stayed on this chair for a long time...

On the other hand, our oldest loves the water and the sand and he
had no problem plopping right now in the middle of a pile of sand.
Do you think I'm an overly protective Mother? For goodness sake, the poor boy
can barely move in his neon green turtle floating bathing suit! No way
he's going to get lost on the beach!
We did get the little one to enjoy some pool time though...No icky sand around!

Just one of those cutie shots...

Can you see the look of agony on our baby's face? He appears to be pleading
with me to stop taking his picture...

This one cracks me up...The "please let me go" cry...
Ah, the pain and agony of being the little brother...
Stay tuned for details and photos from our stamping weekend and I'll also have a SALT creation to share later in the week!


  1. Kim, this is fantastic!! Love the size, well the complete idea of this little treasure!

  2. i just love this. it would be great to send to the grandmothers that are many miles apart from us!

  3. this is my all time favorite type of scrapbooking project - love it!

  4. How adorable! I must try this with my 4 yr old grandson!
