Monday, June 15, 2009

Odd Bird Planet Sales!

I know, I know...I owe you a Keep it Simple card and really, I have something to share but first I must share the details of a bunch of huge sales going on over at Odd Bird Planet! First, it's Odd Bird Planet's THIRD Birthday and you're invited to the party! Everything in the store is 30% off from now until June 20! Where: Odd Bird Planet Secret Password: bday3 <--This coupon code must be entered during the checkout process. Second, in honor of Father's Day, OBP will be running a Father's Day Sale, starting now and running through June 22nd! Visit Johanna's blog for a list of stamps and details on the sale! But guess what? You'll receive the 30% off of the sale price (instead of 25%) for The Father's Day Sale items and clearance stamps!!! And those darling stamps pictured above? They are part of the June Special, a group of stamps that are packaged together and sold with a cost savings of 30% off! I hope you come celebrate with us and enjoy these amazing cost savings!

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