Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SALT Challenge - Perseverance

Today, it was Hazel's turn to throw out the SALT bi-weekly challenge to the design team. She gave us an excellent topic - perseverance. She also provided us with an very insightful write up, which you can read on the SALT blog. As I was pondering the idea of perseverance in the Christian's life I came to this conclusion...I need help! I'm no runner but if I were I would be a sprinter, never a long distance runner. In most instances in life, I behave like a sprinter. Jump into something with both feet, take off running at top speed and then...I fizzle, wear out, and go off to the next thing. Perseverance, endurance...that takes real effort. But nothing good in life comes without effort, does it? Want a healthy, loving marriage...kind, loving lose weight, get in shape, train for a all takes work and endurance! But aren't the rewards worth it? So it is with the Christian life. Paul explains in 2 Timothy, as he considers his pending death, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." There is a reward for finishing the race! For me, that reward is to be finally and forever free from sin. To never be angry again, to always speak in a loving way, to be free from every selfish thought and act...that and to gaze upon Christ, who made that possible, is worth running the long distance race... And while we're here on earth shuffling along through our every day lives, full of ups and downs, joys and losses, we can look to Jesus and know that He will finish the work He has begun in the lives of His children. He will never leave or forsake us but will strengthen us when we're exhausted by life's disappointments and heartaches. A verse that comes to mind is Isaiah 40:31, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Hold onto that glorious promise... Please stop by the SALT blog to see the beautiful work the rest of the team put together. If you'd like to share something you've created, please leave us a comment with a link back to your blog or gallery. Card details: Stamps (in the corners) - Papertreyink, (swirls) - Unknown Paper - (plain) - Stampin' Up!, (patterned) - Basic Grey Brads - Stampin' Up! Ribbon - Unknown


  1. mmmm I think I have to get my paws on some of this orange and gray paper....I love it!...great work by the way too...........

  2. what a beautiful card. and such beautiful words Kim. I seriously think you ought to be preaching or publishing them as you have a real gift

  3. This is one of my favourite papers. What a beautiful card.

  4. Your card is beautiful and wonderful points!

  5. beautiful beautiful card.
    That scripture makes me ashamed of my daily walk with God.

    Thank you for reminding me!

  6. Gorgeous card Kim, i think i have a similar personality to yours!!

  7. Thank you for your thoughts and for your beautiful crafting x
