Sunday, April 26, 2009

Award Blessings

I've been blessed to recently make another blog friend, Sonia Kertzus, and she was kind enough to send me this sweet award! Sonia and her sister ran a digital stamp company, Worldwide Printable Stamps, and I had submitted work for the design team. Unfortunately, they had to temporarily suspend work on their business. You can see some of their images on cards I created here and here. Sonia always stops by with lovely notes and comments and I appreciate each and every one! Thank you Sonia!! And now I'm going to pick five folks to send this award on to...I visit a bizillion blogs over the course of a week but I have probably 10-15 I visit each day. Here are my top five that I never miss! Julie Masse - OK, so Julie is my friend...of course I check out her blog every day! :-) However, she is also a wonderful designer, has delightful posts just about every day, and has great stuff to share. And sometimes she even posts pictures of her darling group of munchkins, which makes her blog even sweeter! Debbie Olson - Who doesn't love Debbie's work! Debbie's beautiful stamping work has graced many a magazine page and numerous design teams. Her amazing work is always inspiring! Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - Is there anyone out there who doesn't know about this blog? If you haven't visited Ree's blog yet, you must! She shares about her every day adventures of living on a cattle ranch in the middle of Oklahoma with her four children and dashing cowboy husband. She is a hysterical writer, amazing cook, and has just recently starting inviting random blog guests to their remodeled ranch for all kinds of cooking and cattle expeditions...hello...does anyone want to go to Oklahoma? Pick me, pick me!! Ali Edwards - Ali is well known name in the scrapbook industry and although I'm not much of a scrapbooker, I admire Ali's unique style. She seems to scrapbook with amazing ease and I love how much thought she puts into capturing the joys of every day details. I'm afraid that as busy Moms we probably miss too much and Ali makes a point of reminding us to take time to document those important (and ordinary) moments. Jodi Collins - I met Jodi at the Stamp NE event last month and until that time had never seen her blog. After the event I made a point of hopping on over to check it out and I've fallen in love with Jodi's work. Each of her cards are beautifully created and she has a flair for paper piercing! (A trait she likes to playfully point out...) And she's from I need to say anymore? ;-) Although these are a few of the blogs I visit on a regular basis, I try to visit each of the blogs listed on the left side of my blog often. Please take a moment to follow some of the links...each of them leads to sites filled with beautiful work! Thanks for stopping by!

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