Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stamp NE (or SNE as some like to call it) in Pictures

Me & Julie during set up...
Some shots of our stamping weekend in Portsmouth, NH! I should have taken more pictures but I was too busy running around and STAMPING!! I did grab a few videos that I'll get posted in the next week or so...

The prize table...and this is only about 3/4 of the gifts! We had over 50 prizes for our attendees! Many, many thanks to all of our super generous sponsors!! (You can check out the list on the Stamp NE blog) We love you guys!!

Our full class on Saturday morning...notice how everyone is paying very close attention to what Lauren is saying...She's just about to reveal that Papertreyink gave EVERYONE in the class a FREE stamp set! The class went wild when they heard the news!

These fabulous girls, Jodi and Ann, are both from Long Island! They made the drive up from to NH for our event and we couldn't have been happier! Being from Long Island, I was super excited to meet them and they are both about as hysterical as people can be...Far too much fun! They're both also amazing card makers...check out their blogs!

This is at the end of our event and I think it's such a cute picture of Molly and Joanne... just had to share! Poor Molly was just getting over pneumonia...what a trooper to make it out to the event! And Joanne taught a fantastic class as well as did a tremendous amount of work planning the event!

I've said it before but it bears repeating...we had a blast! LOL! We're already working on planning our next event, just trying to determine where it will be. Feel free to drop me a note if you'd like to see a Stamping Around event hosted in your city... :-) Tomorrow, I'll share our beautiful projects we created in our classes!!


  1. Hey great pics!! Such a fun time!! :)

  2. what fun pics Kim! I had such a wonderful time there and cannot wait to go to the next one! thanks so much for all the work you did behind the scenes to make it go off so smoothly!!

  3. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. x

  4. What awesome pics Kim! I had SO much fun at SNE and it was AWESOME to meet you!!! Us LI gals need to stick together! Please or pretty please can we have a SLI? It has a certain ring to it!! LOL!!

  5. Oh..i would love to have one in or around our city. I live in Texas near houston. (fingers crossed)
