Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

I have another wonderful image from the Worldwide Printable Stamps company to share today.

And I have to admit that I went a big embellishment crazy with this one...I just couldn't help myself! Humm...I said to about some tiny rhinestones in each scallop? Ohh, nice! Now that heart really needs to be covered in glitter. Umhum, lovely. A bit more sewing, since the machine was already out...and what about that pink paper, it needs something...Oh yeah, a few Stampin' Up! rubons! Now just add a tiny sentiment...Perfect! LOL! Ever have one of those nights when you just can't stop adding to your cards? :-) The paper used on this card is from Stampin' Up!, I really adore their double sided papers...such great designs and weight. The two I used here are retired but now that the new Spring/Summer catalog is out, I'm looking forward to playing with some new designs. The digital image was colored with Copics and the tiny rhinestones are from Taylored Expressions. We're expecting another foot of snow here in the Northeast again today and I've got a sick baby at home so we're all snuggled down on the couch watching Walle (love that movie!) and eating Poptarts! OK, its just the kids that are eating Poptarts...but I would eat a box of them if I thought I could get away without gaining 10 pounds! hee hee Enjoy your day!!


  1. this is so pretty! I'm loving the printable stamps.

  2. Wowzers, awesome card. It's so pretty.

  3. Very pretty card! Love the bling of course! :)

  4. Hi Kim... the card is stunning... I love your coloring and your taste of color... Hugs to you... SK :)

  5. Beautiful card, Kim. Sorry to hear about sick baby x

  6. What an unique stamp...great coloring!
