Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SALT Challenge - God is Good

It's time for another SALT challenge and this week it was brought to us by Kimberly; she chose God is good for our theme. You can read Kimberly's entire write up on the SALT blog. It's sometimes hard to fully comprehend how good God is to all of us. We look around our fallen world, full of hateful people doing hateful things to each other and we are tempted to doubt if there even is a God, forget about whether or not He could be good. However, evil in the world does not equate to no God, rather it equates to the reality of sin and it's affects not just on individuals but on the entire world. God has not turned His back on humanity, rather it has turned it's back on Him and yet, in spite of our coldness of heart and ungratefulness, He continues to bless us with more good than we deserve. If you're reading this, then you are alive and that is darn good news! God is giving you more time on this earth. More time to mend broken relationships, more time to spend with precious children and spouses, more time to help those in need, more time to seek His face while He can be found, more time to sing His praises to those who know Him not, more time to repent of the sins that separate us from Him, more time to learn, to change, and to grow. That is a demonstration of God's goodness, not only to those who call upon His name, but also to those who profess to not even believe that He exists. There is still time... I am exceedingly grateful for God's goodness in sending Christ to die, while I was still a sinner. The great and awesome goodness of God is summed up in that one act. And yet, He has also richly blessed my life with a loving and supportive husband and the most amazing gift of two children. I am daily overwhelmed that He would choose me, a person laden with so many faults, to be a Mom. I will be forever grateful for the blessing of my family... Please stop by the SALT blog to see the other creations made by the team, this week seems to be an exceptional week for us, everything is just beautiful! And feel free to join in on the challenge! Simply post a comment with a link back to your blog or gallery, we'd love to share!!


  1. This is such a beautiful post. I enjoy reading your blog-just because of reading like today's.
    Thank you.

  2. Such a happy LO - love the family photos - such a tribute to the goodness of God.
