Sunday, November 9, 2008

Taylor's Cupcake Challenge

Taylor over at Taylored Expressions holds a sketch challenge each week and I finally decided to play along! The sketch was so cute I couldn't resist! :-) The sketch is listed below...
I decided to go with an Odd Bird Planet cupcake image along with the I Love Cake background stamp. Didn't alter the layout at all, really like it, will have to use it again! The tiny rhinestones at the bottom of the scalloped edge are actually from Taylor's store.
Thanks Taylor for the fabulous sketch!! Go check out all of Taylor's adorable cupcake stamps and creations!!


  1. Very cute!! Great little patterned cupcake paper! :)

  2. So cute, Kim! Love the colors and papers you chose! Thanks for playing the cupcake challenge!

  3. This is super cute! I love that layout too, I'll have to make some time to play :)
