Friday, November 14, 2008

The Missing Cupcake

My goodness, how could this have happened?? I forgot to share my very favorite cupcake card a few weeks ago! This was the last in the cupcake series and somehow this poor little card was forgotten! Isn't this fun? The design is from a layout I found in a CARDS magazine and I just adapted it to suit my images and paper choice. The background of the cupcake holder is embossed, which you can see better in the photo below. Wouldn't this be great as a birthday party invitation? The possibilities are endless!

Paper is from Martha and the background word image is courtesy of Odd Bird Planet stamps.

Enjoy your weekend and have a cupcake for me!


  1. Oh cuteness!! I just realized the background was embossed- very cool!! Looks yummy! :)

  2. This card is so adorable. I love that you used a button on the top of it.


  3. Love your cupcakes - and this is no exception - yummy card xx

  4. I love this cupcake. Could you share a temple with us?!? I am horrible at drawing. :)
