Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a re-post of a card I created last year, using Odd Bird Planet stamps. As you can see from my very quiet blog I've been taking a bit of a break, enjoying my husband being on vacation this week and spending time with the little ones.
I pray that you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and I leave you with this interesting bit of history about the holiday, copied from World Magazine:
The Continental Congress issues it's first Thanksgiving Day proclamation for December 18, 1777. The purpose? "That at one time and with one voice,the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please God through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance; that it may please Him graciously to afford His blessing on the governments of these states respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole."
Gives us all something to think about as we consider celebrating a day of thankfulness tomorrow...May God be pleased to grant you a peaceful, healthy, and spiritually prosperous day!


  1. Happy THanksgiving my friend!! Hope you have a great day!! :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. Your card is adorable.

  3. I hope you've all enjoyed your time together as a family xx
