Friday, August 1, 2008

NY Reunion Recap

OK, so I know this is much more interesting to me than to anyone out there in blog land but I'm quite sure I'll at least provide you with a good laugh after you see me at the tender young age of 22! LOL!

This past weekend I went to NY for the weekend to attend a reunion hosted by the company I worked for from 1986 to 1998....I started when I was 19 and left when I was 31! (No doing the math to figure out how old I am now! hee hee) The folks I worked with at my old company were an amazing group of people. The company was very family oriented, even for a large, global company, and was big on promoting within. I was blessed to land a job as a receptionist just a few months after moving to NY and left as an events/marketing manager, which is still the field I'm in today at...gulp...41. :-) It was amazing to re-connect with people I hadn't seen in over 15 years. It was a really fun evening! So...without further I am at 22:
Can someone tell me what I was thinking here...matching red socks with black leggings and a red tee-shirt? And what is up with my make-up?? Egads - someone should have taken me to Lacome or someone to have that fixed! LOL! And I think I'm wearing Reeboks...remember when those first came out and everyone had them? I was so hip...

This version is just a wee bit least I stayed with basic black and it doesn't look like I'll have to chisel off my make-up with a jack hammer! I've known my friend Michele for over 20 years...Wow - how does that much time go by?? We used to spend every weekend together before we both got married.I used to travel extensively...probably about 14 times a year, which meant I was never home! This handsome fellow was our VP of sales and was one of the group that I was on the road with. He's retired now but it was a blast to see him again as we always had such a great time at shows.This was the big surprise of the night for me...My friend Lisa, who I used to share an office with was at the event. I had no idea she would be there! I was pleased to hear that she and her husband had a third child, who is now an adorable three-year old! We used to laugh so much at work that I'm not sure we ever got much accomplished when we were together!And lastly, this is just a small portion of our tight-knit group that used to work and travel together. We were sad that a bunch of folks were unable to attend and have already started plotting our own mini reunion!

Thanks for letting me share my weekend photos...It was quite an event! The biggest news is that I was all alone for three kiddies or hubby...boy was it quiet and I can't remember the last time I was able to drink a cup of coffee while remaining sitting! LOL! I also got to visit with my 92-year old Grandmother, who still lives alone and drives! She's amazing and it was a treat to visit with her!

Well speaking of kiddies...I've got one trying to crawl on my lap so I guess that's my signal to get off of the computer!


  1. Kim, it looks like you had a fabulous time together. A lot of catching up and laughing.

  2. So neat to see the pics - soooo young!! :) Looks like lots of fun!
