Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Paper Dolls

"Tiffany always wore her tiara to the office...all the other chicks thought she was the hippest."
"Al always said the right things on their dates..."

Each month Johanna sends the design team a little something in the mail that we're to use to create a project...last month it was wooden birds and this month is was a photo of a lady. We needed to create clothes for the lady (yes, she was already dressed in the photo!) ;-)

This was quite a fun project as you felt a bit like a clothes designer trying to find the perfect outfit for a model. We were able to use any stamps we wanted..

On the first outfit I used a feathers from a peacock stamp to create the bottom of my model's (let's call her Tiffany) dress. The little pockets on the sleeves were created by using just one scallop from a scallop border stamp. The tiara and purse were images that can be used on all of justjohanna's chicklet stamps. You see one of the chicklet stamps at the bottom of the card.

On my second card, where Tiffany is sporting her (as my brother would say) hottie boom-ba-lottie look for her date Al the Pirate, I used a cloud stamp as her shirt and a skirt from the Dancing Ladies kit.

This was such a fun idea...why not give this kind of project a try with your own stamps...Leave a comment with a link back to your creation, I'd love to see what you come up with!!

Happy Designing!


  1. Tiffany is gorgeous and you certainly a great designer! I love the featehr bottom and cloud top...so very creative!

  2. How fun!! You did an awesome job - the clothes are so neat!! :)

  3. These are great fun - what a super idea. Glad you had a good time at the wedding - lovely photos.
