Friday, September 14, 2007

Lime Tart Sketch Challenge

Using my wonderful Just Johanna stamps, I created a card for the Lime Tart Sketch Challenge. You can view all of the wonderful cards created by the other JJ design team members on the Lime Tart site here.

For this card I started by stamping and coloring (with those nifty new Copic markers) my cupcake image. I then stamped and cut out the sentiment, which is oh so true, and cupcake!

A side note...

When creating a card or scrapbook page, many times I start by stamping and cutting out the elements I want to use on my card and, before attaching anything, I lay them out on my background cardstock...moving the elements around, adding layers, or embellishments until I find a pleasing design. I find this really helps to solidify a design or layout, before the glue goes down, and sometimes I'm surprised by brand new design ideas that I hadn't previously considered!

Back to the card...I didn't want to overpower the card with patterend paper so I opted for adding a piece of Cuttlebug'd (You know, what happens to paper after it runs through the Cuttlebug...) paper in the background (kind of like swirly cupcake frosting, don't you think?) and attached the cupcake with Stampin' Dimensionals for some pop. I then (Gillian - this is just for you!) dug out my itty, bitty sewing machine (I'm not kidding, it's tiny and cost about $20...domestic goddess I am not) and sewed my ribbon to the card! Wow! I really loved the effect of the sewing and I think I'm hooked! Hooked enough that I may need to turn in my machine that runs on batteries (I'm not kidding) for a real machine! The sewing is very stuble because this was my first attempt and I didn't want to completely ruin the piece. :-) And that, my friends, is how I made my card!

Pop on over to Lime Tart to check out the other cards made with the layout below:

Why not give this layout a try? Leave a comment here or on the Lime Tart blog with a link back to your creation - we'd love to see what you come up with!

Happy Friday!!!

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